Sunday, April 10, 2011

thoughts...on most everything

On swimming

It occurred to me the other day that swimming in the Hilton pool, despite its shortness, might actually be a beneficial place to train for a triathlon in a lake for the following reasons:

1. It's always a little murky.
2. The constant interruption of laps due to its short length may accurately recreate the short distances I'll go before being interrupted by another racing swimmer.
3. Avoiding small, splashing children is perhaps more difficult than avoiding other racers.

That kingdom for a regular lap pool. Seriously.

On biking

Oh what a marvelous 10 days it has been! 30 Days of Biking is in full swing and I have managed to get on my bicycle every day. Some days with longer mileage (today, for instance, I only pedaled half-heartedly around the block in the midst of a ginormous wind storm), but all told, enough to make for some tired legs and a slow, satisfied contentment creeping all over my bike-loving soul. 20 days left and hopefully the forecast will hold (it's been tremendously beautiful, this April, so far).

On running

It's getting better. My new shoes are still fantastic. Twice now I've run halfway up Victory Memorial Parkway and back for a total of 3 miles each time, and been happy with the result. I've been tired and I have some unique new blisters, but my legs are feeling stronger and it's getting easier to convince myself to keep going. Tomorrow I'll attempt Calhoun again.

On racing

I think...I think I'm so excited. I can't wait for the atmosphere, the crowd, the burn, the competition, THE RACE. And most of all I can't wait to be done, and so proud of myself and of Kate for what we have accomplished. And I can't wait to find out- will I get addicted? Will I want to do this over and over again? I think I might.

Yes, I think I just might.

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