Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Runner's Community

I ran outside.

It's 36 feels like 31 degrees and aside from regretting lacking gloves I was perfectly comfortable. I got to use my Vibrams outside for the first time which was exciting. It's very pleasant to run through a wet slab on the sidewalk and see your footprint--toes and all--on the next dry slab.

Here's the best part though:

On my way out, while I was still deciding my route, I hesitated at a corner and ended up nearly running into another (much more serious) runner. He smiled and said, "Hey! Good! You're doing great! Keep going!" How completely wonderful.

I ran my 1.3 miles in between 11-12 minutes. It's always better running outside. I wasn't focused on how fast or far I was going, I was just happy to be making progress. I crossed the river and streets, passed light posts and dodged lunch-crowd walkers.

And on my way back, I opted to walk the last 3 blocks before I wrapped up my break. The man I had seen when I first set out was just crossing the street approaching me. We made eye contact and I said hello, albeit somewhat sheepishly since he has seen me just a few short minutes ago running and I was clearly already finished. Nonetheless, he said, "S'Alright!" as he stuck out his hand and gave me a high five as we passed one another.

My experience skepticism both tell me that this man is the exception, but I'm well on my way to tricking myself into thinking that maybe the running community really is this encouraging. Maybe they all say hello to one another on the street and bestow little morsels of encouragement to their fellow runners at every literal turn. Maybe they understand that somedays you go on a short run, and it's alright, you're still trying, and that's the important bit.

For those of you who are runners, if this isn't the case, please don't tell me. I like my way better.


  1. In downtown St Paul (and Minneapolis), I would imagine it's a little unique to see other runners. They're there...but still, I can see why the community would exist if it indeed does. He was probably like, 'Hey! Alright! Someone else running here! Woo!' and thus you each totally made each other's day.

  2. This was all confirmed for me today by my friend Alan. He high-fived one guy, and gave no less than five other people thumbs up and encouraging words. So these people are out there. And I know one of them.
