Sunday, March 6, 2011


I've set this goal of doing six workouts per week: 2 of each sport.

That doesn't seem so unreasonable when you consider that I'm running very short distances, and eventually will be able to bike to work, thus eliminating some of my gym time.

Still, I keep falling short by one workout a week. The past two weeks, it swimming, and this week, I ran out of time to run.

I'm not too worried about it, since overall, I feel like I'm doing really well. My swimming is coming back into shape, and biking is...well, like riding a bike. Running will come, I think, if I'm patient with it. I'm not as terrible at it as I was and it's turning out to be all mental. Plus, I'm insanely jealous of Kate's Vibrams and will probably consider forking over a chunk of my next paycheck to similar shoes.

On top of all this, I have SAD like crazy. Was there ever a syndrome so effectively acronymized? Seasonal Affective Disorder is killing me, slowly, by rotting out all trace of sanity I ever had and replacing it with the steadily building urge to kill everyone in the world one by one with hunks of solid ice I found on the street corner. My demands are simple, if you want the carnage to stop: Rapidly melting snow, 45-60 degree days, and clear bike paths from here to eternity. I want to wear shoes without socks, capris, and light jackets, if no jacket at all, and I want to leave my house and be greeted with fresh, warm air that doesn't freeze me to my very core.

I'll take all of these things by the end of the month, please, Minnesota, and no haggling.

In the meantime, my gym has graciously starting offering free Balance Bars near the towel rack, and my life has been 45% better for it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anagrammed? Or acronymized? incidentally, "seasonal affective disorder" can be anagrammed into "a vital fice feeder, sass donor." (fice in this case is an alternate version of the word "feist" which is according to a "nervous belligerent little mongrel dog.")

  3. Alright alright I messed up. Bah!
