Monday, February 7, 2011

lauren: day one, week one

So it begins.

I used a treadmill for 25 minutes today, completing a total of 1.98 miles. I think I actually ran somewhere between 1.3 and 1.4 miles, which was a little under my goal of 1.6.

It wasn't as hard as I thought!



I went pretty slowly though.

The fastest pace I managed was a 10 minute mile, and I think I held on to that for about 7 minutes. Still, that's pretty good for me.

Then I swan for about 20 minutes, and sat in the jacuzzi for 5, and then wobbled around the Minneapolis skyways on some errands. At Target I bought a bunch of heavy shit, and carried that to the downtown bus stop, then from my home bus stop a few blocks to my place, and now I will sleep forever.


Speaking of running, Kate's into barefoot running these days. Anyone else have any opinions? I'm in the market for a new pair of running shoes, and I'm wondering if I should look into the whole Vibrams craze and see if it would work for me. Running causes me a lot of hip/lower back pain if I'm not careful about it, and I'd like to prevent that if at all possible.


  1. you are both quite amazing and i admire you for doing this!

    and, those five finger shoes with the toes, you might look into!

  2. Have fun training, Lauren. I have found the Madison tri community to be really supportive and enthusiastic. I am sure you will find something similar in The Cities.

    Vibrams are great and a good way to correct one's running form. Maybe not so great in the snow...

  3. Thank you Sonja and Becka for your support! I'm going to look at Vibrams this weekend at REI I think.
