Sunday, February 20, 2011

lauren: week two round up

This week was almost a total disaster, in terms of keeping up with my workout schedule. It took a lot of effort to pull through this weekend and keep things going.

This is a hard thing for me. I get super pumped about a project and then burn out on it if I don't plan out every little thing and make myself do it in steps. If I start to miss workouts or change my schedule too much, I know I will start to fade in enthusiasm. So, when a busy week strikes and a busier weekend caps it off, I have to start making decisions that aren't super popular.

In order to shake a headache and what I thought was a super bad cold coming on, on Friday I called in sick to one of my lessons and took a nap instead. I had a gig that night and work at 8 am the next morning, and it felt right. That meant that on Saturday I had to make a choice: a rehearsal I really didn't need to go to, or my week-end run.

I made the choice to run and I don't regret it. I'd been feeling so sluggish and gross by the end of the week that sweating out some of that crap and getting blood flowing again was exactly what I needed. I meant to swim too, but as usual, the HIlton pool on a Saturday afternoon was full of little kids and sulky teenagers. No dice.

This means I only missed one workout this week, and swimming at that, which I find easy to make up since I always love getting in a pool. I'm not worried.

Meanwhile, though, the spring that Kate spoke of has ended prematurely with 10+ inches of fresh, drifting snow, and so biking and outdoor running are now again distant dreams.

Le sigh.


  1. So, first off, I'm Adam Tucker's sister (ask Kate if I'm cool). Second off, congrats at you and Kate doing this. She's done a lot to (and yes, I assume you're going to read this too Kate and it's all true) inspire me into pulling my ass out of the ruts I've let it get in during this wonderful time called Grad School. Keep it up you both, I'm going to be following the progress (in a hopefully not creepy way) in order to make myself happy and motivated to do similar things. And plus, you people are funny, so that's good. Anyway, I've done my stint at writing my own blog entry for the morning, so back to the thesis it is. Sorry about the snow, it's raining here (centralish / middle of nowhere Indiana), so maybe I'll get to bike outside today. Hopefully.

  2. Hello Becka!
    I've been told you're cool. I've also been told that we'd super like each other if we ever met. So there's that! Hope it's not creepy. :)

    Thanks for the support! Keep us posted on your goals and progress as well, it's hard to do in school but it's totally worth it.
