This week, all told, I swam 3000 yards, biked 16.4 miles, and ran 3.5 miles (this is according to my training schedule, and does not include warmup/warmdown times). The highlight of the week was the 2 mile run, which was in fact legitimately a two mile run, for possibly the first time in my life. It wasn't easy...but it wasn't hard, either. The best advice I've ever gotten on running is, 'start slowly,' and that's exactly what I've been doing. I made it and could have gone farther, and I think that is a good prospect for the 3.3 miles I'll have to complete.
Swimming was a bit tough this week as the Hilton gym, where I work out for free thanks to a sweet deal through my place of employment, has the tiniest lap pool. The gentleman at the front desk was unable to tell me its official length, although he did give me a very incredulous look. My best guess is that it's about 15 yards as opposed to the standard 25, which completely throws off my lap counting. Let me just say that it's easier to count to large numbers like 1750 and 1250 by increments of 50 than it is by 30s.
And biking. Dang. I finally figured out how to make the stationary bike tell me how fast I go, but I wasn't pleased. I'm already aware that I bike at a snail's pace, but even as I tried to speed everything up, I still only managed an average of 14.3 miles/hour.
Inspired by Kate and by a busy schedule this week, tomorrow I'm going to knock out three of my workouts in one spell and see if I can make it. It'll be a 900 yard swim, 4.5 mile bike, and 1 mile run. This is essentially a full swim and one third both the bike and running distance. Rest assured, you will be updated of my successes and failures in this endeavor.
In other news, look at our forecast for the week:

You know what this means? It means, things will probably get shitty, one more time, but in the meantime, all that snow, all that muck, will just melt away this week, revealing bike lanes and sidewalks and park paths. Outdoor adventures, here I come.
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